Saturday, April 18, 2009

Twit... Twitt... Twitter.

I've gone and done it...
thats right... add me to the list of people who has yet another thing to update when I'm pissed off.

LOL I don't much like this "twitter" but I am sure just like myspace and facebook I will become addicted. ...

Hey! Who remembers Wallop?!?!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

When it rains...

They aren't lying... It fucking pours! I could go on, but I'll just target the main points.

  • My doggie dies.
  • My fish dies.
  • My job closes its doors.
I will forever miss my lil Tipsey. She was a good little doggie
and had a good little doggie life. Smooches to her,
I am glad she can't hurt anymore!

Poor Franklin. He was a good fish. He provided many hours of enjoyment, including the video where I scared him half to death by flatulence.
I will miss him as well. Maybe he is riding on Tipsey's back, scurrying around all up under my grandaddys feet. LOL

As for my job, or... not job after June 30th, I am just angry and hurt. Thankful for the things we got as in 2 months to plan the rest of our lives, and severance (shitty, but better than 0!) ... but I am still angry. A multi-million dollar worldwide company just doesn't close it's doors like this... I guess it was the million dollar mistakes that went on without correction or reprimand of ANY sort. A nice tap on the wrist for being such an asshole and making a mistake like those that are constantly made, would suffice. Probably would keep them from happening. But what do I know? I'm just a newbie. Lets pray for relocation, wouldn't that be nice? New Jersey looks mighty fine right about now.

I miss the east coast anyways.

Enough. This is turning out to be the silliest blog ever.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Reese's Eggs...

I am not a blogger... but I think I am about to become one.

Since I have no witty anecdotes or life lessons to tell in my first "BLOG", I see it fit to post an excerpt from


Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are amazing, there’s no question about it. Who doesn’t have happy childhood memories of indulging in rich, peanutty treats at Halloween, birthday parties, or pressed into Christmas cookies? Yet most would say that Reese’s doesn’t reach its apogee of peanut-butter-goodliness but once a year; hold onto yourselves, Candy Addicts, for Reese’s Egg season is upon us.

That’s right. When the rest of the world watches for blossoming flowers and baby ducks, true Candy Addicts know Spring has arrived when the supermarkets stock a certain type of egg. An egg that promises sheer joy and decadence, all for under a dollar.

What is it about the Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg that makes it so vastly superior over other incarnations of Reese’s cups? It could be that it hits just the perfect peanut-butter-to-chocolate ratio. As we covered a few months ago, some scientists claim that more chocolate is better; however, true Reese’s devotees usually agree that the salty, rich peanut butter ought to be the dominant flavor.

Perhaps it’s the shape of the egg. The inviting soft curves are somehow more appealing than the standard, sharp-edged sides. Doesn’t it always seem like little points of the cup always crumble off or stick to the paper? Not the egg - it just slides off that little tray and sighs its way into your mouth.

Some people explain Reese’s Eggs’ irresistibility with the freshness factor. Remember how we tried some of those Fresh From the Factory Reese’s Cups? Are you dying to try a fresh Reese’s, but don’t want to shell out twenty-six bucks for the privilege? Well, how long ago do you think those Eggs were produced? We know they can’t have been made more than a couple of weeks ago (it wasn’t too long ago they were producing Valentine’s hearts, remember).

But really, the reason is irrelevant. The fact is, Reese’s Eggs are magical, and one of the most Candy Addictive pleasures of Spring. As you can see, we honor the Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg with the Awesomely Addictive Candy Award. You just try to get enough Reese’s Eggs this season, and you’ll get what we mean.

Isn't it great that spell check tried to change "goodliness" into "godliness" ?? No, God, Reese's are better. They actually fix things!
I personally think they should make giant Reese's called "Reese's Bathtubs" or something. I would take a fork and knife to that shit, who's with me?!