Tuesday, April 14, 2009

When it rains...

They aren't lying... It fucking pours! I could go on, but I'll just target the main points.

  • My doggie dies.
  • My fish dies.
  • My job closes its doors.
I will forever miss my lil Tipsey. She was a good little doggie
and had a good little doggie life. Smooches to her,
I am glad she can't hurt anymore!

Poor Franklin. He was a good fish. He provided many hours of enjoyment, including the video where I scared him half to death by flatulence.
I will miss him as well. Maybe he is riding on Tipsey's back, scurrying around all up under my grandaddys feet. LOL

As for my job, or... not job after June 30th, I am just angry and hurt. Thankful for the things we got as in 2 months to plan the rest of our lives, and severance (shitty, but better than 0!) ... but I am still angry. A multi-million dollar worldwide company just doesn't close it's doors like this... I guess it was the million dollar mistakes that went on without correction or reprimand of ANY sort. A nice tap on the wrist for being such an asshole and making a mistake like those that are constantly made, would suffice. Probably would keep them from happening. But what do I know? I'm just a newbie. Lets pray for relocation, wouldn't that be nice? New Jersey looks mighty fine right about now.

I miss the east coast anyways.

Enough. This is turning out to be the silliest blog ever.

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