Tuesday, October 5, 2010

As usual I don't update shit. Here's a rundown of the last several (5) months.

  • I moved into a great apartment that has everything except:
  1. A thermostat I can control.
  2. A washer/dryer in unit.
  3. A dishwasher.
I rescued a new guinea pig to accompany Tabytha Sue. Her name is Rubi. Rubi June.

  • I got impetigo, from some nasty bitch @ work.
  • Impetigo got worse, got better, took 6 years off my life and then I developed crazy excema in the same area. Now anytime I sweat, here it comes!
  • Tabytha Sue got very sick and lets just say I must love her a lot because I spent $850+ on her little ass. Which is so little. She was 2.13 lbs, now she and Rubi weigh the same @ 1.14lbs. She's doing a little better day by day. Keep your fingers crossed.
OH! I was just in the hospital for an all inclusive 6 day 5 night stay... It was no vacation though! I will post more about it next time... if there is a next time. I want to be able to keep up with this thing, and let me 2.5 readers know I'm alive. Maybe I'll get to the point where I post something of interest that gets me lots of $$$$

Just know I am alive, but I almost wasn't....

Until next time. :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Eve of internet loss...

WOW. I forgot I had this thing. I remembered it vaguely while watching Julie & Julia (worst movie I've seen in a while, btw) a few weeks back...

Just in case you assumed I offed myself because of the bad things that happened last spring let me run things down for you. The most important thing that happened is that I adopted a darling cutie pie named Tabytha Sue. Well, she was Lola but her name changed. Tabytha Sue fits her most perfectly.

Isn't she just the cutest thing? I think so. She just celebrated her 2nd birthday and I promise you she is spoiled enough to have a party complete with a guinea pig friendly cupcake.

  • I was offered a transfer to New Jersey from my job. I accepted.
  • I broke my ankle the day before I moved across the country, again.
  • My new boss hated me from the get go. Put me on "Probation" for being 'unreliable' and having a shitty attitude. Um, excuse me?
  • I moved into a shithole studio apartment infested with spiders.
  • Tabytha Sue got sick, and small-animal vets are NOT cheap in case you ever thought about adopting or rescuing a pig.
  • I got a new boss, and since then all has been peachy.
I am now preparing to move across town, about 4 minutes away from the office (YES! Sleeping in until I absolutely have to get up won't mean running late!). I am really excited to be out of here and have the entire storage unit worth of stuff actually in my possession and OUT of storage! Tis the eve of internet loss and I was feeling a bit nostalgic and thought I would write in this thing... after I move and get settled I am going to finish working on the blog for the wonderful and fabulous JETT MIDDLETON - make-up artist and then I'll fancy up this space too.. Maybe I'll remember to post so the 1.5 viewers I have don't assume me dead. ;o)

Till then, enjoy what's left of Spring before it turns to Summer again!